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How To Positively Embrace Technology To Fuel Your Success

Technology is constantly evolving as a means to increase our productivity, efficiency, and communication. Yet despite the fact that we can now get more work down in less time, communicate simultaneously with multiple colleagues, and even work remotely (in some cases), we aren’t becoming any happier. In most cases, it comes down to our largely negative and unhealthy relationship with technology. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. When used mindfully, technology has the potential to enhance, rather than diminish, human happiness. As technology evolves further and continues to affect our daily lives, it’s more important than ever to learn how to find a balance between our gadgets, productivity, and wellbeing, in order to achieve greater happiness. Here are five strategies that successful individuals can use to find greater happiness in an age overrun by technology: Strategy #1: Stay Grounded With Intention  Although our already minuscule attention spans may be f
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The 4.0 factory: Fully automated and very, very smart

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A new and connected era

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution

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Getting an innovative technology to market

The emergence of new technologies, while holding great promise for society, often threatens the viability of established companies. There are plenty of well-known examples of this, such as the Eastman Kodak Co. and Polaroid Corp. and the advent of digital photography. In many of these cases, the core challenge for established companies stems not from a lack of recognition of or investments in emerging technologies. Instead, it stems from the challenge of commercializing an emerging technology whose economic attractiveness with respect to the company’s existing business model is not at all obvious in the near term. Today, managers in many prominent sectors, including autos, financial services, energy, and health care, face the challenge of pursuing emerging technologies that carry a high degree of uncertainty with regard to their economic viability and their companies’ competitive position. However, what is sometimes lacking is an understanding, guided by systematic empirical evid