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Showing posts from October, 2018

The 4.0 factory: Fully automated and very, very smart

So, what is this huge change about and why do some people identify it as a genuine revolution? If we follow the theorists’ main assumptions, it is not single and brilliant innovations that will decide our future productive processes, but the meeting of all those developments carried out during the last decades and still to come. In that sense, this trend represents a paradigm shift, instead of one more step in the frenzied technological race. We can be sure about one thing:  In our current 4.0 factories, automation is already being carried out by cyber-physical systems, made possible by the internet of things and cloud computing systems.  These cyber-physical systems combine both physical and tangible machinery with digital processes, acquiring the capacity to make decentralized decisions and cooperate with humans, through the evolving technology developed around the internet of things.

A new and connected era

Also called 4.0 , this new robotic era we are living in follows the other three transformative historical processes. The fourth industrial revolution is an expression coined by the founder and leader of the  World Economic Forum ,  Klaus Schwab , referring to the intense technological changes that have been modifying our productive and social processes since the middle of the last century: A fusion of technologies that blur the lines between our established physical spheres, both digital and biological. Schwab himself declared that humanity is “on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before “. According to Schwab and some other experts, now we have the opportunity to shape this  Fourth Industrial Revolu­tion , which will dramatically alter how we live and work. “The future of employment will

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

This comes as no surprise: Throughout History we have witnessed several key processes that have totally changed the way we produce, work and, ultimately, live. At the end of the XVIIth century, steam engines transformed the world introducing a rural society into the industrial and social processes. The  First Industrial Revolution  started a long road we are currently travelling on, the end of which is still a long way off. At  Protec Arisawa , our expertise is the design, development and manufacture of premium fibre-reinforced pressure vessels and we are leaders in our field of activity. As such, we cannot ignore this new approach to industrial procedures and should take part in it.

Getting an innovative technology to market

The emergence of new technologies, while holding great promise for society, often threatens the viability of established companies. There are plenty of well-known examples of this, such as the Eastman Kodak Co. and Polaroid Corp. and the advent of digital photography. In many of these cases, the core challenge for established companies stems not from a lack of recognition of or investments in emerging technologies. Instead, it stems from the challenge of commercializing an emerging technology whose economic attractiveness with respect to the company’s existing business model is not at all obvious in the near term. Today, managers in many prominent sectors, including autos, financial services, energy, and health care, face the challenge of pursuing emerging technologies that carry a high degree of uncertainty with regard to their economic viability and their companies’ competitive position. However, what is sometimes lacking is an understanding, guided by systematic empirical evid

Technological Advancements For Leaders Who Love Adventures

Traveling has sometimes been quoted as a luxury rather than a necessity. But for leaders in different industries, may it be if they are entrepreneurs young and old, politicians, head of nonprofit organizations, etc., leaders need to recharge and some adventures too. Seeking adventure and spending time away from the keyboard inspires and motivates to become better leaders. And for tech-savvy individuals, apps never fail to make traveling to unchartered territories comfortable and as adventurous as possible. Below are mobile apps that will help entrepreneurs keep track of their business while away, and at the same time enjoy the great outdoors. 1. Google Translate First time traveling to China, Thailand, or Costa Rica? How exciting. But wait, do you even know how to ask for directions, say “hi” or “thank you” in their native tongue? This is where Google Translate comes in. Google Translate is a free app designed translate over 100 languages. Although it’s not 100% accurate, it w

Data and security applications

Probably, the most important element on this list. New security requirements of Apple are changing mobile development. Google is likely to present something similar for Android. The latest trends in this area are connected with blocking. Together with two-factor authentication and other methods, you can significantly increase data protection.


The blockchain is so much more than just the technology behind cryptocurrencies. A digital account book of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value. Blockchain can add value in so many ways to the way in which we currently go about our lives and do business. Expect to see this technology become more and more prevalent in everyday life and business.

Internet of things (IoT)

The Internet of things isn’t a mysterious technology anymore. Analysts predict significant changes in this area in 2018. Home appliances like smart electric kettles and everything that has the prefix "smart" can be combined into a single infrastructure for authorized users.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence seems to be a game changer in mobile app development. Apple allowed developers to integrate Siri into their applications only in 2017. Soon, artificial intelligence will be utilized for a wide range of activities. So far, only large companies can afford to develop mobile applications with artificial intelligence onboard. In 2018, the rules must change.


Among the common users, the technology of beacons becomes more widespread. More applications with beacon-based features will be created for users, and - starting from informational sources, virtual guides and ending with location-based games and much more. However, it is unlikely that users expect a technical revolution in this direction. Beacons continue to expand in use cases covering more and more areas where a person could get all the necessary information in the right place without having an Internet connection.

Augmented reality (AR) Technolog

The approach of regular applications or traditional games is completely changed with the help of Augmented reality. This technology in mobile application will receive new impetus in 2018 and probably become mainstream. The Apple and Google have launched their own augmented reality kits i.e AR Kit and AR Core resp. And it helps app developers to create high-quality mobile apps.

Intelligent Apps

Organizations are applying AI and machine-learning techniques to create new apps. Intelligent applications like personal assistants are making our lives easier. Gartner expects that future assistants will be more specialized and equipped with potential to transform the workplaces and homes. Virtual Personal Assistants (VPAs) make tasks easier and users effective by highlighting important information and interactions, virtual customer assistants (VCAs) help in specialized areas like sales and customer service. Packaged app and service providers are increasingly using latest technology trends like AI and machine-learning techniques to deliver more robust systems. Over the course of next 10 years, every application, and service will make use of some kind of AI. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is used in intelligent sensors, smart appliances, operational & security applications, smart enterprise apps etc.

Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Machine Learning

Applied AI and machine learning are composed of many technologies and techniques (such as deep learning, neural networks and natural-language processing [NLP]). These technologies, which are different from traditional algorithms and programs, make the machines intelligent. Gartner predicts that the applied AI advanced machine learning will inspire applications like robots, autonomous vehicles, consumer electronics, virtual personal assistants, and smart advisors. The smart machines are context & event driven. They will be able to deal with complexities, understand, learn, predict, adapt and act anonymously. Hence, AI and Machine learning are one the latest technology trends of 2017.

10 Hot New Technologies that will Change Everything

Technological innovations are impacting the way we live. The changes that have been happening in our lives for the past few decades have gained momentum with the coming of new technologies, take IoT for instance. And that didn’t stop there because innovations began to happen at a faster rate. For example, imagine that you are streaming the latest movie on your newest and most sophisticated tablet and you come across an actor you are not familiar with. You can instantly pick your augmented reality lenses and look up the person, and the information is at your fingertips. So imagine, how far we have come. Here are 10 hot new technologies that is going to pretty much change everything that we know and do: 1. Internet of Things The world has been raving  about Internet of Things , and though we are familiar with it by now, it does deserve a mention here;at the top of our list. You know that through IoT, devices talk with each other and by 2020, the estimate is that about

connect new technologies with strategy

Greg Baxter : In this world there are so many technologies that are bubbling through , so the focus is really how you connect it to the clarity of our purpose and strategy. The capabilities that we're focused on in order to be relevant in a digital-era are in four areas: digital automation, digital distribution, data analytics and innovation. In digital automation robotic technologies is a big area for us, in digital distribution it's about customer platforms, with data analytics it's about the data science architecture and in innovation there is a lot of artificial intelligence (AI). The key focuses is to build core customer platforms and open architectures so we've deployed global sales and service platforms across most of our markets. This has been rolled out globally allowing us to manage customers and collect data in a consistent way. We're now starting to touch on some of the new distribution technologies and also connecting into newer

How CIO’s can define the right strategy and time to implement new technologies

Replacing an old technology or adopting a new technology for your business is a more complex task than it seems. For the past couple of decades, CIO’s have significantly improved their ability to understand the technology shifts that disrupt businesses, industries, and sectors. They understand far more about how to identify those shifts and what risks they may represent to incumbent companies. But the timing of technological change remains a true mystery. Even as some technologies and companies seem to take off overnight (such as Uber, Snapchat and Twitter), others take decades to unfold (such as HDTV and cloud computing), and this can be a problem for many executives. Still there are too few tools and indicators when such transition should take place and, even knowing that many CIO’s are now more aware whether a new innovation or technology poses a threat, the doubt is still there in the back of their minds: whenever a superior new technology emerges on the horizon should CIO’s